Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Daily Stain

Who Was That Phantom Protester?

I live on the east coast and at times need to drive west to my home state to visit my family. The primary road traveled is Route 80 and if any of you have been as lucky as I have, you have experienced construction hell zones where repairs, upgrades or even complete overhauls to large sections of Route 80 are supposedly "underway". I have several issues about these construction zones but in the end, I know there's always someone looking out for our best interests.

But there is something to be thankful for relative to highway construction zones. The Phantom Construction Zone Protester. I'm fairly sure you have never really thought much about this person who dares to stick his or her neck out in protest at all road construction zones. I've never actually seen this protester but I'm in awe thinking about the raw effort that is put out on our behalf. I often wonder what kind of person it takes to travel to each and every construction zone in America telling these idiots what we, the American drivers think of their obvious construction ruse. I envision this person storming into the construction zone, seeking out anyone who looks like they could use a reaming out. I see the furor and rage in the eyes as the following sign is slammed into the ground. The sign is appropriately addressed to those no good, lousy phantom construction workers....

Every time I drive by this sign I pump my fist out of my window and scream, "Right on, Phantom Construction Zone Protester, right on!"

So on behalf of drivers across all of America I send a big thank you to the Phantom Construction Zone Protester. Drive on, America! Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing!