Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Daily Stain - Don't Lead Me On!!

True story...I'm scheduled for a 12:00 noon interview today with a major pharma company. Seemed like a great opportunity.. a good career move for me. Four different recruiting agencies contacted me for the same position. I was confident about being a good fit for the job. I spent significant time prepping with practice questions and answers, job desc. review, etc. Put on the newly dry cleaned suit, shoes shined..doing all of those things to prepare for an interview that I have advised gobs of people to do during the course of my recruiting career. I was locked and loaded for this one. Grabbed my black leather portfolio with the extra resumes, got in my car, started it up; found the right radio station to help me focus in on the interview mood and pulled out of the driveway. As I hit the street I took a quick glance at my cell phone and noticed there was a new voice mail message. So I pulled back into the driveway to retrieve it. It was from the recruiter. They canceled the interview. She said they ID'd an internal candidate and would not be hiring someone from outside the firm. Now I'm all dressed up and no where to go!!! So I called my wife and we went out for a nice lunch. In the end, I think I would classify the outcome of this situation as having major league blue jobs.