Friday, June 15, 2007

The Daily Stain

Several years ago I use to send an email a day to my friends called "The Daily Stain". The title comes from a long standing joke I have had with my wife starting when we first got married. I worked at a bank where we had to wear suits and ties. I always wore either an all white or all blue pin-point oxford shirt and they were always starched to the gills. I would start the day with a clean shirt, but somehow, somewhere during my work day I managed to get a stain on it. Pens, pencils, tomato sauce, mustard, my own drool, you name it and it would find a way onto my shirt.

At first my wife would get a bit upset if with my daily stains because sometimes they were hard to get out. But after years of my slobish behavior, it just became a joke as I came home with some sort of lunch produced blob smushed down the front of or on the sleeve of my shirt. So, when I came home from work the first comments from my wife typically went like this; "How was your day? Let's see the stain."

So, The Daily Stain is intended for just that...a daily laugh at something. Some times it will be a joke, sometimes it will be something around what's going on in my life, current events etc. Some will be funnier than others, I'm sure but the bottom line is that I enjoy good humor more than anything else.

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