Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Daily Stain - Jesus, Mary and Joseph!!

When my wife puts a return address on an envelope she uses labels that have her name first and then mine. Sometimes my traditional "man of the house" ego gets a little piqued by the order of names, but then I figure if she's putting out the effort to mail something she should get to put her name first...what do I care? So I always wondered how Joseph felt when he heard his neighbor yelling; "Abraham, verily I say, thou gettest down from that olive tree before you fall and breaketh your arm...Jesus, Mary and Joseph do I have to watcheth thou from sun riseth to sun seteth until we die!?!?" (I don't think the phrase "24/7eth /365" had caught on quite yet).

If someone were to create and market a three name, global phrase to express an individual's exacerbation over any kind of situation but used my daughter's, my wife's and then MY name last... I'm thinking I would start to feel a little resentful after a couple of hundred years of hearing it being used by millions of complete strangers. After Joseph died I can hear the faint snickering as people passed by his headstone that read something like "Here lies Joseph, of the Jesus, Mary and Joseph trio fame. I can only imagine how PEEVED he became when he learned not only did his son get first billing on that phrase but was also given the second slot on the holy trinity marque. Only adding insult to injury when Joseph found out that the " Our Father" wasn't even referring to him.

I think from now on I'm no longer going to say "Jesus, Mary and Joseph"...Instead I'm going to say; "Jesus, Mary and Rodney Dangerfield"!!

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